What if  your kids

LOVED their school?

Starting in August 2025, the American School Bali completely transforms the international school model using classical methodology where students master their subjects and themselves to become the heroes of their own story.

Imagine a school where parents and teachers tailor children’s education to the individual needs, interests, and abilities of that student.


  • Students can lead discussions, think critically, and develop socratic reasoning. Students, working 2-3 hours on critical skills such as math and literacy, can leapfrog their peers academically, easily advancing two grade levels in a single school year while contributing to Greco-Roman symposia and read the most vibrant literature that the world has to offer, from the classic Roman stoics to modern giants such as Dumas and Twain. Students 8, 10, 12 years of age– can read and discuss Plato’s philosophical assertions.

  • This is a place where teachers guide students and students learn to take ownership of their education. We believe they are capable of carrying the responsibility of their own learning but teachers insist on students’ excellence.

  • At American School Bali, we believe that just like the great heroes of old, students have a hero’s journey. We believe that school is a place where students learn to struggle, overcome and build character that is fundamental to their own thriving and the edification of their communities.

    In this, students are expected to devote time and effort into classes and projects to achieve excellence and mastery.

  • At American School, we integrate parental goals, concerns and desires from day one. Parents should be happy with their school’s ability to listen, change and deliver every single day. Our background come from working closely with parents to develop a deep understanding of their primary concerns as well as a humble attitude towards feedback

Parents Want:

purpose driven children to enjoy their childhood and come home happy with strong identity and character

trustworthy teachers of integrity who care for their well-being of their student.

well balanced curriculum that students can master while pursuing their interests and developing skills to equip them for their future.

I understand .

Students should be able to build discipline, character and teamwork while still being in an environment that drives them forward socially, academically and according to their interests.

The crisis of schools in Bali

Schools are not meeting parent expectation or demand excellence from their teachers to propel students to a strong future. Schools, even international schools in Bali, are failing students at every turn.

Lack of Results

Parents pay an exorbitant amount yet hire additional tutors for their children to stay competitive.

Major Source of Stress

Students are required to do dozens hours of homework per week and take dozens of pointless exams.

Irrelevant Content

Schools fail to develop students’ strength: their grit and discipline as well as fails to account for the business marketplace of today and tomorrow.

Teacher Dedication

Teachers are apathetic and derelict in their responsibilities, completely negligent to students who need extra help. Teachers lack tact and professionalism.

Learning Philosophy

No homework. Learn to collaborate and work independently. Study website design, art, programming, negotiations, boundary setting, sales. Write business proposals and problem solve with students around the world.

Future Goals

Students have the opportunity to pursue their exact interests to a high degree of competency and professionalism with experts in the field. We encourages all forms of post secondary opportunities: work apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, family enterprise, college.


Daily socratic discussion, 2-3 hours of core skills: literature, Latin, math, grammar followed by an afternoon of interest pursuit, group projects and adventure activities.

Classical Learning Test

A yearly aptitude test designed to measure and track students’ progress, keeping the college track open .



Compare our rates for a full education against some of Bali’s premier schools.

A wholesome option with competitive rates.

Right now, we are building.

I am working on opening the American school Bali as we speak. I’m gathering students, acquiring the location and building the curriculum. If you’re thrilled to join our startup school in August 2025, please contact me for more information.

Starts shine from the inside out.
— Kanye West